Thursday, December 30, 2004

a mudança move a vida

Deixamos arrastar a nossa vida. Porquê?
Tudo se torna numa rotina. Mas porquê?Nada é original.
Se repararmos bem em cada situação nova da vida temos sempre vários caminhos a seguir. Chegamos à conclusão que escolhemos o errado. Mas se analisarmos bem os outros caminhos talvez possamos pensar até que ponto é que seriam uma boa opção. Devemos arriscar. Pelo menos devemos tentar. Porque não? Porque acabamos por nos arrepender? Porque não tiramos apenas uma boa lembrança de cada decisão que tomamos? Pois é, a vida é feita de decisões umas fáceis outras difíceis,mas são sempre as decisões que mudam a nossa vida. A mudança é constante na vida.
A mudança move a vida.

I miss the strange feeling of my past.
I miss the feeling of feel.
I just don't remember how is having sentiments...
I just miss them.
Just like a friend told me:
"when you miss your sentiments you are feeling something
So don't be worried because you feel."

Just look around

We search for happiness on our life and we dream about the one. We say that we've never been loved.

Look around and think again.

We smoke, we do drugs, we drink alchool and we sleep all over the places. We sacrifice our lives searching for happiness.

Look around because you can do better.

It's all about the money, the liders, the fame, the joy of spend but listen, look around and think again. Your life isn't that bad. Everyday on the news you can see. Just look around you and if you live day by day with a strengh to do better and helping everyone around you, you'll see your life will change. It's a question of priorities. Define yours because if you look around you get hurt because of someone else's life like i did today noticing that the Tsunami wave killed 76968 people in Asia, and the only sentiment that i had was like i can't do nothing but if I could i would give everything to help finding the missing people in those affected countries.

So look around and don't panic your life isn't that bad.